Working blaming ladies tinker with their super sensitive nipples and lick them! She is a female doctor, Chihiro ARIMURA, and she has an intensive mast check-up with her nipples on her neck, tinkering with her toes, or licking it into the top of her hand. The waitress, Kajichan Kitagawa, intentionally spills water to force the trousers off, and attracts erotic guests who pull out blowjobs and handcuffs. The unreasonable teacher, Kuwana Unsachi-chan, showed off his pants and provoked him, calling himself Otetsuri, a private class in which he blamed the nipples for jealousy. there's also a cabaret... at the airport... in court... etc. My older sister, who is a slut at work, sprinkles chicks while wearing her uniform and makes me look like a squid.